
The exercises are part of the module "Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems" at the University of Würzburg. The lecture was originally developed by Phuoc Tran-Gia and is given by Tobias Hoßfeld since 2018. The book is intended for students and scientists in computer science and technical computer science, applied mathematics, operations research, electrical engineering and economics. 

Chapter 1: Introduction  

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Kendall's notation, queueing models of real-world systems, description of arrival and service processes, performance characteristics of interest

Chapter 2: Fundamentals 

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Random variables, distributions, probability theory, transform methods, Laplace-Stieltjes transform, probability generating function, compound distribution

Chapter 3: Stochastic Processes

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Renewal process, arrival process, state process, Markov process, Poisson process, memoryless property, PASTA property, superposition of processes, recurrence time, birth-and-death process

Chapter 4: Markovian Systems

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M/M/n loss system, M/M/n delay system, delay-loss system, Engset model, micro states, macro states, state transition diagram, bulk service, batch arrivals, two service classes, economy of scale

Chapter 5: Non-Markovian Systems

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